Brand Guide
The guidelines and best practices below promote a unified institutional identity and leverage Columbia's name, reputation, and trademarks in support of the University mission.
Having a strong University-wide identity confers a number of benefits:
- Collective Value of a single brand bestows all the University’s prestige on each unit
- Shared Identity builds a sense of community and pride
- Efficient Use of Resources limits duplication of effort and minimizes cost of trademark, design, legal, and other branding expenses
- Consolidated Expertise applies the brand management expertise of Columbia’s communications professionals across the entire University
The Columbia Brand
For more than 250 years, Columbia has been a leader in higher education in the nation and around the world. One of the most powerful tools available to the Columbia community is the Columbia University brand. It conveys the purpose and values of the institution and is an expression of the University Mission.
The Columbia University Brand Guide has been developed to support the integrity and value of the Columbia brand and its effective use as a visual tool.
Trademark Usage
Personal use of University trademarks is prohibited. University trademarks should only be used for official University business. Please reach out to the Office of General Counsel with any questions.
Each unit of the University should use its corresponding trademark.
- Do not use the parent brand trademark, Columbia University in the City of New York, in place of the official trademark for your unit. If you would like to request special permission to use the parent brand trademark, please email your request to Columbia Creative.
- If your office does not have an official University-branded trademark, email Columbia Creative to request one.
Trademark Text
The Columbia University trademark was designed using the official typeface, Trajan Pro, with a precise size, weight, and kerning between letterforms.
- Do not attempt to create or recreate a University trademark. Email Columbia Creative to learn more or to request a University-branded trademark.
- An acronym may only be used in a University trademark when the full name of the entity is included in the trademark or within another prominent area of the communication.
- Website headers must include an official University-branded trademark and may not be typeset. Email Columbia Creative to request a University-branded trademark.
Trademark Symbols
The official trademark for Columbia University includes the modern crown symbol adjacent to the full name of the University, in an approved color.
- No other mark may be used in University branding outside of an official University crown.
- Type treatments that do not conform to University branding may not be used.
- Sans serif typefaces may not be used.
- Please email any questions or requests to Columbia Creative.

For use on a black background, please use a white trademark.

On a dark blue, you may also use a PMS 290 version of the trademark.

Units of Columbia University should use the domain with an official University trademark.
- To request a third-level domain, such as, please visit Columbia Domain Names.
- If you would like to request special permission to use an external domain name, such as, please submit your request to the Office of General Counsel through Columbia Domain Names.
- For a complete list of domain name policies and procedures, please visit Columbia Domain Names and Columbia University’s Domain Name Policy.
The Columbia University name is not permitted for use in a trademark that is out of brand.
- Noncompliant trademarks will not be supported on Columbia University platforms, e.g., Columbia Sites, Columbia Photo Library, Columbia Domain Names, etc.
- Noncompliance may be flagged by the Office of General Counsel, the Office of Public Affairs, or CUIT.
Dos and Don’ts
The o-height from the “o” in “Columbia” defines the minimum clear space, which should be maintained around the trademark to separate it from surrounding elements.

The Columbia trademark must be large enough to be legible. In print, the trademark’s minimum width is 1.5 inches. On the web, the trademark cannot be smaller than 150 pixels.

Do not change the background
The trademark must be on a white, a black, or an approved blue background. Visit the colors part of the website for more information.

Do not change the color
The trademark must be black, white, or an approved blue. Visit the colors part of the website for more information.

Do not place trademark on a similar color
Always ensure legibility of the trademark to maintain accessibility standards for low-vision users.

Do not change any trademark elements
Never edit, crop, distort, add font effects, or change the proportions of the trademark in any way.
Columbia University’s social media profile image is strictly for official social media use only. Official social media accounts must state the full name of the University, i.e., “Columbia University,” in the account name.
The Columbia University in the City of New York trademark should be used when the entire University is being represented by a communication piece.
A school, college, department, center, institute, or office trademark should be used in place of the Columbia University in the City of New York parent brand trademark when the communication is originating from a part of the University, rather than the whole.
A Columbia University trademark should be included on all communication pieces in a conspicuous location. Trademarks must not be altered or combined with foreign typography or branded marks.
Co-branding with institutions outside of Columbia must follow University branding, unless contractual obligations permit an exception. Exceptions must be approved by Columbia Creative.
We believe that different schools, institutes, and centers at Columbia are best served by employing some combination of core elements of name, color, typography, and visual mark. As a guide, we have developed examples of “co-branded” identities that communicate individuality while bestowing the value of Columbia’s name and reputation.

Seal and Shield
The University seal is reserved for the official use of the Trustees of Columbia University. Do not use the University seal as a stand-in for the University trademark. Contact Columbia Creative to learn more.

The University shield is a historic artifact of the University and must not be used as a stand-in for the University trademark. Contact Columbia Licensing to request permission to use the University shield (and any other mark) on merchandise or nonacademic items.

Athletics Branding
The Columbia “C” is a registered trademark of the University and is reserved for Columbia Athletics. Do not use the Columbia “C” as a stand-in for the University trademark. Contact Columbia Athletics to learn more.

The Roar-ee Graphic and Curved Columbia Athletics Trademark are reserved for Columbia Athletics. Do not use the Curved Columbia Athletics Trademark or Roar-ee Graphic as a stand-in for the University trademark. Contact Columbia Athletics to learn more.

The official Columbia Blue is Pantone 290 (PMS 290). It is based on the color of the Philolexian Society, Columbia’s oldest student organization, founded in 1802.
Please note the color swatches on this page may vary on different computer screens, and color printouts from this page will not be accurate. Design System specifications are listed separately.
To remain compliant with WCAG AAA Standards, black text or UI components may be placed over Columbia Blue.
- White text or UI components do not pass WCAG AAA Standards and should never be used.
- The Columbia Primary Color (PMS 7686) may be placed over Columbia Blue (PMS 290) for UI components and large text only.
- For a complete list of WCAG AAA Compliance for Columbia Blue, please see the WCAG AAA Compliance information chart below.

PMS 290C
RGB: 185, 217, 235
CMYK: 20, 0, 0, 0
WCAG AAA Compliance
Black Text, Small (14pt, 18.5px): Pass
Black Text, Large (18pt, 24px): Pass
Black UI Components: Pass
Primary Blue Text, Small (14pt, 18.5px): Fail
Primary Blue Text, Large (18pt, 24px): Pass
Primary Blue UI Components: Pass
White Text, Small (14pt, 18.5px): Fail
White Text, Large (18pt, 24px): Fail
White UI Components: Fail
The Columbia University trademark may also be rendered in the following approved blue. Any exceptions must be approved by Columbia Creative.
To remain compliant with WCAG AAA Standards, white text or UI components may be placed over the Columbia Primary Color.
- Black text or UI components do not pass WCAG AAA Standards and should never be used over the Primary Color.
- Columbia Blue (PMS 290) may be placed over the Primary Color (PMS 7686) for UI components and large text only.
- For a complete list of WCAG AAA Compliance for the Primary Color, please see the WCAG AAA Compliance information chart below.

PMS 7686c
RGB: 29, 79, 145
CMYK: 100, 73, 0, 10
HEX: 1D4F91
WCAG AAA Compliance
Black Text, Small (14pt, 18.5px): Fail
Black Text, Large (18pt, 24px): Fail
Black UI Components: Fail
Columbia Blue Text, Small (14pt, 18.5px): Fail
Columbia Blue Text, Large (18pt, 24px): Pass
Columbia Blue UI Components: Pass
White Text, Small (14pt, 18.5px): Pass
White Text, Large (18pt, 24px): Pass
White UI Components: Pass
For a full list of Columbia University Irving Medical Center colors, visit CUIMC Communications.
The primary color should be supported by secondary colors and shades, as well as highlight colors. The University’s secondary colors include the following:

PMS 287C
RGB: 0, 48, 135
CMYK: 100, 55, 0, 58
HEX: 003087

PMS 284C
RGB: 108, 172, 228
CMYK: 50, 15, 0, 0

PMS 3005C
RGB: 0, 119, 200
CMYK: 100, 31, 0, 0
HEX: 0077C8
The University’s secondary shades include the following:

PMS Cool Gray 2C
RGB: 208, 208, 206
CMYK: 5, 3, 5, 11

PMS Cool Gray 11C
RGB: 83, 86, 90
CMYK: 44, 34, 22, 77
HEX: 53565A

PMS Cool Gray 9C
RGB: 117, 120, 123
CMYK: 30, 22, 17, 57
HEX: 75787B
The primary and secondary colors may be supported by approved highlight colors. The University’s highlight colors include the following:

PMS 675C
RGB: 174, 37, 115
CMYK: 18, 100, 0, 8
HEX: AE2573

PMS 2013C
RGB: 255, 152, 0
CMYK: 0, 41, 97, 0
HEX: FF9800

PMS 1525C
RGB: 185, 71, 0
CMYK: 0, 70, 100, 18
HEX: B94700

PMS 1945C
RGB: 166, 10, 61
CMYK: 0, 100, 57, 31

PMS 7496C
RGB: 118, 136, 29
CMYK: 38, 0, 100, 36
HEX: 76881D
Color pairing should include a primary color, secondary color or shade, and/or highlight color.

Primary color:
PMS 287C
Secondary color or shade:
Cool Gray 2C
Highlight color:
PMS 675C

Primary color:
PMS 7686C
Secondary color or shade:
Cool Gray 11C
Highlight color:
PMS 2013C
Trademark and Headlines
The Columbia University trademark was designed using the official University typeface, Trajan Pro, with a precise size, weight, and kerning between letterforms. You should not attempt to create or recreate a University trademark. Contact Columbia Creative to learn more.
Trajan Pro may be used in display typography, such as headlines, and should not be used in body copy or paragraph formats.

Trajan Pro

Trajan Pro Bold
Body Copy and Headlines
Garamond Pro is the University’s secondary typeface and is primarily used for body copy. In some cases, Garamond Pro may be used for headlines or other display typography, particularly for schools or colleges that use Garamond Pro as a primary typeface. Contact Columbia Creative to learn more.
Proxima Nova is the official sans serif typeface of the University and is primarily used as a web font. Proxima Nova can be used for body copy and headlines or other display typography such as headers. Contact Columbia Creative to learn more. Design System specifications are listed separately.

Garamond Pro

Garamond Pro Bold

Proxima Nova

Proxima Nova Bold